November 17, 2020

Premises Liability Explained by a Portland Slip and Fall Lawyer

Premises Liability and You

While slip and falls are some of the most common premises liability injuries people suffer, they are not the only kind. In fact, any dangerous condition can result in a premises liability lawsuit. Depending on whether you are an invitee, licensee, or trespasser, the owner of a property has a duty of care to keep his or her property free of these dangerous conditions. If you have been injured, a Portland Slip and Fall Lawyer can help no matter how you were injured on this property.

The duty of care owed to you will depend on your status as a visitor. An invitee is owed the highest duty of care. This includes people in a store to shop or people invited to a person’s home. For an invitee, a property owner must conduct reasonable inspections to correct dangerous conditions or must warn the invitee of these hazards.

A licensee is someone who is engaged in business on a given piece of property. Licensees are generally owed a prudent duty of care, but their status is less than that of an invitee. Trespassers are owed the lowest duty of care.  Generally duty of care towards trespassers regards setting traps or otherwise harming the trespasser intentionally. If these trespasser are known trespassers (such as having a large hill that children sled on in the winter), the property owner has a duty to warn of the dangerous or hazardous conditions.

No matter what your status on a given piece of property, the attorneys at Johnson Law will fight for you. We know how difficult it can be when injured due to dangerous conditions and we will aggressively pursue every dollar you are owed. To learn more about how we can help after an injury, contact Johnson Law, P.C. for a free consultation.

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(971) 205-3266
1323 NE Orenco Station Pkwy
Suite #210
Hillsboro, OR 97124


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