Oregon Dangerous Dog Breeds
Are certain dog breeds more violent? What are the most dangerous Oregon dog breeds? There are a lot of statistics that seem to show that some breeds are more dangerous. For example, one study showed in 2015 bites from Pit Bulls outnumbered all other breeds for Portland. However, studies like this can be misleading. Sometimes a dog's breed is misidentified. Alternatively, some studies only show severe bites. Larger dogs can more easily cause severe damage, so they may be overrepresented when looking at bite numbers.

However, there is no debate that cities and landlords are making rules restricting certain dog breeds.
Some common targets are:
- Pit Bulls
- Dobermans
- Akitas
- German Shepards
- Rottweilers
Owning banned breeds can come into play for determining negligence and insurance coverage. If you were bitten by a dog, the breed and local rules may be very important. Read on to learn more or call us for a free consultation.
Dangerous Dog Breeds Banned In Oregon
Multnomah, Washington, and other Oregon counties have rules regarding dog behavior. However, there are currently no Oregon state laws banning certain breeds. It really is misleading to single out certain breeds. The truth is that any dog has the capacity to bite, especially if scared or threatened. A dog's inherent danger is a combination of its capacity to harm and its overall tendency to be violent.
Many breeds get a bad reputation because of their owners. People who want intimidating dogs often get the breeds listed above and train them to be guard dogs. Many of those breeds are extremely intelligent and will follow their master’s commands without fully understanding what they are doing. Any dog can be violent and any dog can be docile, it just depends on their training.
While there are currently no laws we know of completely banning certain breeds in Oregon, there are some local laws that control their ownership. This includes Heppner Mun. Code § 5-2B-1, Malheur County Code § 3-6-2, and Malin Mun. Code § 90.20. The laws require either specific permits, insurance, or enclosures to have certain breeds.
Oregon Dog Bite Law
Oregon is an interesting state for dog bite law. There are various laws that cover the legal aspects of dog bites. We will focus on ORS 31.360. It states the following:
(1) For the purpose of establishing a claim for economic damages, as defined in ORS 31.710 (Noneconomic damages), in an action arising from an injury caused by a dog:
ORS 31.360 (2021)
(a)The plaintiff need not prove that the owner of the dog could foresee that the dog would cause the injury; and
(b)The owner of the dog may not assert as a defense that the owner could not foresee that the dog would cause the injury.
(2)This section does not prevent the owner of a dog that caused an injury from asserting that the dog was provoked, or from asserting any other defense that may be available to the owner.
(3)This section does not affect the requirements for an award of punitive damages provided in ORS 31.730 (Standards for award of punitive damages) (1). [2007 c.402 §1]
This means for economic damages there is no need to prove the owner was being negligent. Their dog caused that economic damage and they are liable for said damage. However, non-economic damages are different. If you're unsure how this affects you, it may be useful to hire a personal injury attorney.
Many laws come into play for dog bites. Also, every case is unique. If you have any questions feel free to call us for a free consultation.
Getting Compensation With an Oregon Dog Bite Attorney
An Oregon dog bite lawyer can get the compensation you need to treat your injuries and be made whole by the dog’s owner. Even a small bite can lead to permanent scarring and disfiguration. Learn your options and don't miss a deadline.
If you or your child has been bitten by a dog, contact Johnson Law today. In many cases, the responsible party’s homeowner’s insurance covers such bites, so there is compensation available. We will aggressively fight to hold the responsible parties accountable for injuries caused by their negligence. To learn more about how we can help after a dog bite, contact us at Johnson Law today for a free consultation.
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