November 11, 2015

Low Impact Crashes from a Portland Injury Attorney

Low-impact crashes, often occurring at speeds below 10 mph, are common in scenarios such as parking lots or during stop-and-go traffic. Despite their seemingly minor nature, these accidents can be deceptive in terms of the damage and injury they cause. Understanding the unique aspects of low-impact crashes is essential for recognizing their potential dangers and addressing the challenges they present in legal and medical contexts. This guide explores the differences between low and high-impact crashes and highlights the hidden risks associated with low-impact collisions.

Difference from High Impact Crashes

Speed and Force

Low impact crashes occur at speeds typically below 10 mph, contrasting sharply with high impact crashes that happen at higher speeds, resulting in significantly more forceful collisions.

Vehicle Damage

These accidents often result in minimal visible damage to vehicles. This contrasts with high impact crashes, which usually cause extensive vehicle damage.


A common misconception is that low impact crashes are less serious due to the lack of significant visible damage. However, the perceived minor nature can obscure the potential for serious injuries, which may not be immediately apparent.

Hidden Dangers of Low Impact Crashes

Undetected Injuries

Low impact crashes can cause injuries that are not immediately visible. Soft tissue injuries, such as sprains and strains, may develop over time, leading to chronic pain and discomfort if left untreated.

Delayed Symptoms

Symptoms from injuries like whiplash, concussions, or spinal issues might not appear until days or weeks after the crash. This delay can complicate diagnosis and treatment, as well as insurance claims.

Psychological Impact

Low impact crashes can also result in psychological effects, such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and increased stress, impacting a person's overall well-being.

Injury Mechanisms


Whiplash is a common injury in low impact crashes, resulting from the sudden back-and-forth motion of the neck. This can strain or sprain the neck muscles and ligaments, causing pain and stiffness that may persist for months.

Soft Tissue Damage

Low impact collisions can cause significant damage to soft tissues, including ligaments, muscles, and tendons. These injuries might not be immediately apparent but can lead to prolonged pain and limited mobility.


Even minor head impacts in low speed crashes can result in concussions. Symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, and cognitive impairments, necessitating thorough medical evaluation and treatment.

Proving Injuries

In low impact crashes, minimal visible vehicle damage can make it challenging to prove the extent of injuries. Insurance companies may argue that the injuries are unrelated or exaggerated.

Insurance Settlements

Claims from low impact crashes are often undervalued by insurance companies, who may use the lack of significant vehicle damage as a basis to offer lower settlements. This can complicate the victim’s ability to receive fair compensation.

Medical Documentation

Thorough medical documentation is crucial in low impact crash cases. Detailed records of medical visits, diagnoses, and treatments are essential to substantiate claims and prove the severity of injuries.

Safety and Prevention

Proper Seatbelt Use

Ensure correct usage of seatbelts to minimize injury risk during a collision. Properly fastened seatbelts can significantly reduce the likelihood of injury by restraining occupants and preventing excessive movement.

Headrest Adjustment

Adjust headrests to the appropriate height to reduce the risk of whiplash. The top of the headrest should be level with the top of the occupant's head and positioned close to the back of the head.

Awareness and Defensive Driving

Practice defensive driving techniques, such as maintaining a safe following distance, avoiding distractions, and being vigilant about the actions of other drivers. Defensive driving reduces the likelihood of low impact crashes.

Low Impact Injury Attorney

Low impact crashes, despite their seemingly minor nature, can cause significant injuries and complications. It is crucial to take these accidents seriously, seek medical attention, and understand the legal implications to ensure proper compensation and recovery. By recognizing the hidden dangers and taking preventive measures, drivers can better protect themselves and others on the road.

FAQ: Low Impact Crashes

1. What is a low impact crash? A low impact crash typically occurs at speeds under 10 mph and often results in minimal visible vehicle damage. Common scenarios include parking lot accidents and slow-speed rear-end collisions.

2. Can you get injured in a low impact crash? Yes, injuries such as whiplash, soft tissue damage, and concussions can occur even in low speed crashes. Symptoms may be delayed and not immediately noticeable.

3. How do you prove injuries from a low impact crash? Thorough medical documentation and timely medical evaluation are essential. Gathering evidence such as photographs, witness statements, and expert testimonies can also support your claim.

4. Are low impact crashes less serious? While vehicle damage may be minor, the potential for serious injuries exists. Psychological impacts and long-term health issues can result from these crashes.

5. How do insurance companies handle low impact crash claims? Insurance companies may undervalue claims due to the lack of significant vehicle damage. It's crucial to provide comprehensive medical records and evidence to support your case.

6. What should I do immediately after a low impact crash? Ensure safety and check for injuries, call law enforcement, exchange information with the other driver, and document the scene with photos and witness statements. Seek medical attention even if injuries are not immediately apparent.

7. Why are soft tissue injuries common in low impact crashes? The sudden jolt from a low impact collision can strain muscles, ligaments, and tendons, leading to soft tissue injuries that might not be visible but cause significant pain and discomfort.

8. Can psychological effects result from a low impact crash? Yes, anxiety, stress, and PTSD are potential psychological impacts that can develop after experiencing a low impact crash, affecting overall well-being.

Things People May Not Consider or Know About Low Impact Crashes

Hidden Injuries

  • Delayed Symptoms: Injuries like whiplash and concussions may not show symptoms immediately but can develop days or weeks later, leading to untreated issues that worsen over time.
  • Soft Tissue Damage: Even minor crashes can cause significant soft tissue injuries that aren't visible but can cause chronic pain, necessitating early detection and treatment.
  • Proving Injuries: With minimal vehicle damage, it can be challenging to convince insurers and legal entities of the seriousness of injuries. Proper documentation and medical records are crucial.
  • Insurance Settlements: Claims are often undervalued, requiring thorough documentation and sometimes legal assistance to ensure fair compensation. Without understanding this, victims may settle for less than they deserve.

Psychological Effects

  • Emotional Impact: Anxiety, PTSD, and stress can result from even minor collisions, affecting overall mental health. Recognizing these effects is important for comprehensive treatment and support.

Medical Evaluation

  • Importance of Immediate Care: Seeing a doctor promptly after a low impact crash, even if injuries aren’t apparent, is crucial for identifying hidden injuries and documenting them for insurance and legal purposes. Delayed care can complicate recovery and claims.

Vehicle Safety Features

  • Effectiveness of Modern Safety Features: Advanced safety features in modern vehicles can mask the severity of crashes and injuries, making it seem like the impact was negligible. Understanding this can prompt a thorough evaluation even in seemingly minor incidents.

Understanding these aspects is important because it helps individuals recognize the potential severity of low impact crashes, ensures they seek appropriate medical care, navigate legal and insurance challenges effectively, and address both physical and psychological impacts comprehensively.

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(971) 205-3266
1323 NE Orenco Station Pkwy
Suite #210
Hillsboro, OR 97124


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