November 27, 2017

Oregon’s Distracted Driving Law Causes Dip in Electronics Use, Temporarily

Oregon’s new distracted driving law was enacted with the best of intentions, but does it show lasting impact on drivers putting down their phone? Based on a small sample size and app data, the answer is yes and no. TrueMotion, an app that tracks usage by utilizing the motion sensors within your phone, shared some preliminary data with the Oregon Department of Transportation.  The limited stat pool showed that during the first two weeks, when advertising and warnings to the public were at their peak, there was a precipitous drop in cell phone usage during driving, however the numbers have steadily rose since and are back to pre-distracted driving law was enacted. To date, Oregon police have stopped over 5,000 drivers since the bill became law.

As our dependence on electronics increases and technology become more integrated into our daily lives, distracted drivers on the road is quickly becoming one of the greatest dangers driver will encounter on the road. Nearly 3,500 people were killed as a result of accidents directly related to distracted driving in 2015 and over 660,000 drivers were injured. Teens were reportedly at the highest risk for fatality due to distracted driving. Protect yourself and others by committing to not driving distracted and following a few simple rules to make sure you and your passengers arrive safe to your destination. Utilizing hands free controls, knowing your route before you go, refrain from anything not driving related, and being aware at all times will protect you from being a distracted driver and against others on the road that may not be paying attention.

Distracted driving accidents are on the rise and they can have dire consequences. If you or a loved one has suffered at the hand of an impaired driver, we may be able to help. No one should be injured due to someone else’s negligence. Call the offices of Johnson Law today and find out how we can fight on your behalf.

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